Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I love Starmen.net forums! :D

I requested a comic and it was done. Me attempting to get in to NoA for EarthBound. Funny thing about this is that I live in Washington and I live not so far from NoA. Man... I hope this doesn't happen to me. None the less I love this!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Nintendo E3 Thoughts

It was an awesome confrence! No details on Mother 3 DS or EarthBound on VC (as expected), but there is always the Tokyo Game Show. All I can say now is that it's a pretty good line of games! Can't wait to get my hands on them! But for now... I'm going to check all the hate comments on the Starmen.net forums due to not having EarthBound or Mother 3 in the confrence. Man... I can see a lot of closed topics now...

Nintendo E3 Confrence Today!

Well... not yet at least, but it's coming! The confrence is this afternoon and I REALLY hope they announce something good! I highly doubt it would be a VC date for EarthBound or Mother 3 coming out to america, but we can all hope right? So yeah... I hope this is better that last years E3! All I know about it is that they're going to talk about the new Sin and Punishment 2! I'm so excited!