Tuesday, August 25, 2009

EBFGP 2009 is over and the Game Stop Story!

Well... it has come and gone! It was a pretty interesting EBFGP! Loads of cool downloadables (such as PK Mash!), papercrafts, D.I.Y. shirts and many other crazy stuff. Plus the live streams were pretty cool! Now that it's over we all have to go on with our miserable lives and start the most horrifying thing in the world... school...

But with that out of the way, during the EBFGP I went to my local Game Stop to purchase a GBA Micro. At the time I didn't know why, but it might be due to that I might purchase Mother 1+2 soon. I was going to order Mother 3, but my dad had a long discussion about how I already have a Fan Translation and I don't need another Mother 3. I was even shocked on how he knew about it! Plus he knew loads about Mother 2 and 1 O_o! But it might be because I told him a while back, but I didn't think he'd remember. Anyways... back to the story. I was able to score myself a used (but in good condition) GBA Micro for only 30 bucks! Plus it came with a multi-charger so it was a sweet deal! I clerk looked at me like some weirdo (maybe because these things aren't really sellable anymore). Then he proceeded to ask,"Why are you buying something this? They're really not that important". That was when I told him, "Heard of a game called Mother 3? It's not going to come out in America anytime soon, so I decided to upgrade to a new system so I can play it anywhere I go". With a "OH! That game!" look, he told me, "Ah! Got ya". I wasn't quite sure if he cared or not, but he did have a postitive attitude about it. I'm pretty sure he knew what I was talking about and he didn't give me anymore crap about the GBA Micro anymore. I guess a load of things happen to you in life when you're an EathBound fan.