Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Urgh... Long Vacation,Work Life,and Other Site News

Well... its been a while since I've been on this blog. I've been kept busy with my life and other such to get ready for senior year for high school. I've been also been busy with some new RPG's like Dragon Quest IX, Kingdom Hearts, Golden Sun, and soon to play Mother 3 (for the Fanfest by Fangamer). I'm trying to get a ton of stuff done, before school starts again. I'll still be playing video games and a ton of new games from time to time, but I got to really concentrate on my life and get stuff done. I bet that by the time I get to college I'll be gaming a bit more than I was at home, but I will be studying like a mad man. A bit more than high school studying (except for SAT's and ACT's... I still need to do that and I'll need PLENTY of study time). I will be posting new stuff from time to time, but I'm not sure how often. I don't really want to keep updating on newer RPG's anymore. It's quite common on what's coming out and I'll just update the ones I want to talk about. I might have some stuff updated about newer games, but I'm not too sure. Well... hope to see you guys soon. Maybe a site redesign? Who knows! I have some ideas for some changes on this site.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010