Sunday, May 31, 2009

My iGoogle Theme

I was so happy when I found out there was a EarthBound iGoogle theme. I'm such a nerd.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Lack of playing Mother 1/ EarthBound Zero

After playing through EarthBound I have a desire to play through Mother 2 in Mother1+2. It's a bit hard, but I'm getting use to it. Since I'm in Japanese class I have the basic controls and all that figured out. But I dunno... I've seen the differences between the two games, but I'm not going to list them out here. Tomato has listed them out already... so no need for that. But I might stop half-way through Mother 2 because I haven't played EarthBound Zero yet. I know it's a short game, but I never had the desire to pick it up and play it yet. I might just stop where I am in Mother 2 and complete EarthBound Zero first. Then I'll go back to Mother 1+2 sometime when I feel like it.

It's going to be a busy summer, but at least I have something to do.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Charity Over!

I missed out the ending, but the Speedgamers were able to raise about 10,000 dollars for the chairity! That's a new record compared to their other games they have played for charity! But now the fun is all over and we can go back to our normal everyday lives. Hope something like this will happen again someday! I was only able to make it to a few of the live broadcastings, but I wasn't there the entire time. I was really busy with loads of things like school work and Japanese. But it was fun till it lasted!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Mother (EarthBound) Marathon! Help Support the Breast Cancer Charity!

Well... those guys are at it again, but this time it's for a good cause. They did this once a year ago time for "PK seige" to bring EarthBound on the Virtual Console(and we all know how that turned out...). The Speedgamers have been doing marathons for a while now. The did a Zelda one last year and now it's time for EarthBound's/ Mother's moment to shine. I think that you should check it out and help out. It's for a good cause. I might be on the live chat for a while, but not for long.