Friday, July 3, 2009

Summer is almost like Summers in EarthBound. Hot and very annoying...

Well... summer is here and I'm pretty bored. I have been planning on working on the podcast, playing through EarthBound again, playing EarthBound Zero and trying to get a copy of Mother 3. Luckily a friend of mine is getting me a copy for me because he's going to Japan in about a few days so... YAY! That's one checked off... but everything else... I need to get to work on that soon. I'm busy working on videos and so many other crap I've been ingnoring this site greatly. And to top it off... I'm not sure if Total Randomness even tries to help update anymore. I'm a bit worried really. She's suppose to be my back up and all, but oh well... I dunno what else is going to happen. I hope that everything on the site will run smoothly soon and get the podcast up as soon as possible. I need a cast of people quick...

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