Tuesday, August 25, 2009

EBFGP 2009 is over and the Game Stop Story!

Well... it has come and gone! It was a pretty interesting EBFGP! Loads of cool downloadables (such as PK Mash!), papercrafts, D.I.Y. shirts and many other crazy stuff. Plus the live streams were pretty cool! Now that it's over we all have to go on with our miserable lives and start the most horrifying thing in the world... school...

But with that out of the way, during the EBFGP I went to my local Game Stop to purchase a GBA Micro. At the time I didn't know why, but it might be due to that I might purchase Mother 1+2 soon. I was going to order Mother 3, but my dad had a long discussion about how I already have a Fan Translation and I don't need another Mother 3. I was even shocked on how he knew about it! Plus he knew loads about Mother 2 and 1 O_o! But it might be because I told him a while back, but I didn't think he'd remember. Anyways... back to the story. I was able to score myself a used (but in good condition) GBA Micro for only 30 bucks! Plus it came with a multi-charger so it was a sweet deal! I clerk looked at me like some weirdo (maybe because these things aren't really sellable anymore). Then he proceeded to ask,"Why are you buying something this? They're really not that important". That was when I told him, "Heard of a game called Mother 3? It's not going to come out in America anytime soon, so I decided to upgrade to a new system so I can play it anywhere I go". With a "OH! That game!" look, he told me, "Ah! Got ya". I wasn't quite sure if he cared or not, but he did have a postitive attitude about it. I'm pretty sure he knew what I was talking about and he didn't give me anymore crap about the GBA Micro anymore. I guess a load of things happen to you in life when you're an EathBound fan.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Summer is almost like Summers in EarthBound. Hot and very annoying...

Well... summer is here and I'm pretty bored. I have been planning on working on the podcast, playing through EarthBound again, playing EarthBound Zero and trying to get a copy of Mother 3. Luckily a friend of mine is getting me a copy for me because he's going to Japan in about a few days so... YAY! That's one checked off... but everything else... I need to get to work on that soon. I'm busy working on videos and so many other crap I've been ingnoring this site greatly. And to top it off... I'm not sure if Total Randomness even tries to help update anymore. I'm a bit worried really. She's suppose to be my back up and all, but oh well... I dunno what else is going to happen. I hope that everything on the site will run smoothly soon and get the podcast up as soon as possible. I need a cast of people quick...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I love Starmen.net forums! :D

I requested a comic and it was done. Me attempting to get in to NoA for EarthBound. Funny thing about this is that I live in Washington and I live not so far from NoA. Man... I hope this doesn't happen to me. None the less I love this!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Nintendo E3 Thoughts

It was an awesome confrence! No details on Mother 3 DS or EarthBound on VC (as expected), but there is always the Tokyo Game Show. All I can say now is that it's a pretty good line of games! Can't wait to get my hands on them! But for now... I'm going to check all the hate comments on the Starmen.net forums due to not having EarthBound or Mother 3 in the confrence. Man... I can see a lot of closed topics now...

Nintendo E3 Confrence Today!

Well... not yet at least, but it's coming! The confrence is this afternoon and I REALLY hope they announce something good! I highly doubt it would be a VC date for EarthBound or Mother 3 coming out to america, but we can all hope right? So yeah... I hope this is better that last years E3! All I know about it is that they're going to talk about the new Sin and Punishment 2! I'm so excited!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

My iGoogle Theme

I was so happy when I found out there was a EarthBound iGoogle theme. I'm such a nerd.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Lack of playing Mother 1/ EarthBound Zero

After playing through EarthBound I have a desire to play through Mother 2 in Mother1+2. It's a bit hard, but I'm getting use to it. Since I'm in Japanese class I have the basic controls and all that figured out. But I dunno... I've seen the differences between the two games, but I'm not going to list them out here. Tomato has listed them out already... so no need for that. But I might stop half-way through Mother 2 because I haven't played EarthBound Zero yet. I know it's a short game, but I never had the desire to pick it up and play it yet. I might just stop where I am in Mother 2 and complete EarthBound Zero first. Then I'll go back to Mother 1+2 sometime when I feel like it.

It's going to be a busy summer, but at least I have something to do.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Charity Over!

I missed out the ending, but the Speedgamers were able to raise about 10,000 dollars for the chairity! That's a new record compared to their other games they have played for charity! But now the fun is all over and we can go back to our normal everyday lives. Hope something like this will happen again someday! I was only able to make it to a few of the live broadcastings, but I wasn't there the entire time. I was really busy with loads of things like school work and Japanese. But it was fun till it lasted!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Mother (EarthBound) Marathon! Help Support the Breast Cancer Charity!

Well... those guys are at it again, but this time it's for a good cause. They did this once a year ago time for "PK seige" to bring EarthBound on the Virtual Console(and we all know how that turned out...). The Speedgamers have been doing marathons for a while now. The did a Zelda one last year and now it's time for EarthBound's/ Mother's moment to shine. I think that you should check it out and help out. It's for a good cause. I might be on the live chat for a while, but not for long.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My attempt as a Starman

Well... to make a long story short, my friends brought over tin foil and put it all over me. I had it on most of the day, even at school! But after many strange looks and laughing faces I decided that it wasn't worth it anymore and threw it away. It was good fun till I got to school. I'd like to thanks my friend Ganon Spy who snapped shot this on his Dsi. Thanks for the amazing photograph!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mother 3 Nut Cookie

I can't actually believe I was able to find these things in stores. They're pretty dang good too!
Hello everyone! I'm the new co-blogger! I go by Pokeyburger on Youtube, but totalrandom-ness on Starmen.net, so you can call me either one. I'll be helping VGMaster with the blogging and what not as I learn my way around the blog, so expect to see me here!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Mother 3 for 3 Years!

That's right! The marks the third year of Mother 3's release! I feel pretty happy about this. I plan to celebrate by play Mother 3 again. I think this might be my third time playing through it again. 3 times the charm! Oh man... loads of three's everywhere... I really hope that this game gets more attention soon, since the Fan Translation is already out. So to all those who are very poor in Japanese... get the translation patch! No need to worry about playing the game in Japanese anymore! So to all the EarthBound fans out there... Happy Mother 3 day!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Delay for Podcast... Sometime Next Weekend

This saturday I was trying to get my podcast ready, but for some reason I haven't gotten around it.... I had a pretty busy day and haven't had the free time to work on it and on top of all that I have state testing to finish this week starting Monday. I plan to work on the podcast later this week after testing is over, but the problem with that is I can't seem to find anyone who would want to do this with me. I might post something at the Starmen. Net forums to see if anyone would like to do the podcast with me, but until then... just wait a bit longer... it will come...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Guess who loves EarthBound?

It seems like our President of NOA Loves Mother/ EarthBound.

Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been busy with a ton of stuff and haven't got around to post stuff here. I promise I'll try to update this site a bit more.

For some concern, no... this isn't a April Fools joke.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

EarthBound Central

As you might know, Tomato (the awesome guy who made the Mother 3 Fan Translation) needs help to spread the word about EarthBound Central. It's a really well made blog I really love the site. Tomato would really love it if he were to get some word spread out about this. There's a link on the toolbar if you want to see the site. This will make Tomato... H...a...p...p...y...