Monday, August 9, 2010

Fixing Silver Verion's Battery! Part 1- The Operation!

I decided to open up the cartridge so that once I get the battery, I can just put it in and do the rest from there, but since I don't have the battery, I can't finish it just yet. So here's the progress of the work I've done so far.

Here's the tools I used the get this game open. Since I don't have the fancy Nintendo screwdriver to open this up, I did the next best thing.

Melt the tip of a regular pen (don't catch it on fire) and sink it in, in the back of the Gameboy cartridge where the screw is and let it cool down. If it get stuck in the cartridge then that's fine. It's cooling down to the mold on the cart. Don't make it too hot, or it'll melt some for the plastic on the cartridge! This almost happen to me, but I took it out in time.

Once you unscrew the back with your pen, slide the front part of the cart, down and pop it out. Take out the motherboard and put it on a clean surface. As you'll see in the picture, there's the battery in the yellow. You don't want to get rid of the metal strip on top of the battery and on the bottom of the battery. You'll need them later. Use some tweezers or a small screwdriver to take off the sawder on the bottom of the strip until it looks like the picture up above.

The harest part will be the bottom strip. It's sawdered on well and it's a pain to get out. Well it was for me anyway...

If you're lucky, the congrats! You've removed the dead Gameboy battery!

Here's what the battery looks like. Since you really don't need the dead battery anymore, you can just throw it away.

And as a bonus picture here's the game runing without a save battery. Though it still works, you won't be able to save and all that. Be sure to check out the next post where I'll install the new battery and test it to see if it'll save!


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