Monday, May 31, 2010

WarioWare DIY - EarthBound Runaway 5 Theme!

An awesome fan being an awesome fan. What more can you say?


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Golden Sun TV Ad!

I would have never guessed that this commerical would be for Golden Sun! Now I have a real good reason to play this game now! It's a sad truth that I've never played a Golden Sun game, but the reason for that is because I only have the copy of the second game. I tried to find a copy of the first one, but I can't find it! It makes me kinda sad that it'll be hard to find. I guess if I can't find it, I'll have to download it. I hate when I miss out on an old classic like this.


Friday, May 28, 2010

Pokémon Black and White - New City and Battle Gameplay!

WHOA! That's all I have to say! ~VGMaster64

Pokemon White & Black Version: Legendary Pokemon Revealed and Release Date!

Now all we have to do is wait for next year... or if you're in Japan, just a few more months. I'll see if I can get my hands on the Japanese copy, so I can type my thoughts about it on the site.


Monday, May 24, 2010

Summer is Almost Here and my Summer Plan.

I can't believe it's almost summer! Problem about summer is that lack of time I have online. I tend to get really lazy and just play video games and other RPGs. Since I'm free for all of June and gone for the rest of the summer time. I'll be in Hawaii for most of the summer. The first week, I'll be in a college dorm and the rest of the months, I'll be hanging around at a beach house with my family and a friend. After my Hawaii trip, I'm heading to a beach cabin in Montana some time around August. There I'll be hanging with some family friends, meeting an old friend and just game for a bit. That'll be my entire summer trip. I'm pretty sure I'll have my laptop and stuff with me so I can keep things updated and such, but knowing me, I'll be just messing around playing video games and having fun in the sun. I might participate in EBFGP this year (if Starmen.Net is doing it again) because I didn't do any of it last summer and I plan to do all the challenges during me free time. There were plans that they MIGHT do a Chrono Trigger FGP, but that could be later on in the future. Lets just hope I don't fall away from this site and forget to update stuff.

Since I have plenty of school time left for me... I would need to catch up on a TON of work and getting my grades up. I might not update much this week, but I'll be sure to update when I need to!


Friday, May 21, 2010

Maple Story DS Korean Only Game & ROM Download!

This is a bit of old news, but Maple Story DS has been in development for quite a while on the DS. I'm not really a fan of Maple Story, but I know some RPG fans out there who really enjoy this game. It's kinda of depressing for them that they won't be able to get their hands on this game, unless they import the game. Another problem would be to read the text, because the whole game is Korean. Luckily, a team of hackers made an English patch for Maple Story DS! If you have a flashcart or an emulator to play it on, then you're good to go! There are still some bugs in this patch so future updates of the patch will come out soon. I had a chance to play through it and it's pretty good! The only downside to the translation, is the fact that only the menu, items and naming screens are in English and not the whole game. If you want your own copy of the Maple Story DS ROM all patched and ready to go, I'll post a link on the site later tonight.

EDIT: Here's the download! Enjoy!


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies Trailer

YESH! We're getting the new Dragon Quest 9 game! I've learned a ton about this game when they announced it in Japan and talked a ton about the online play, I knew from that moment that this would be an RPG that'll NEVER get old. I never thought a US release would happen, but this is some exciting news! There are too many good games coming out this year!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Games That Are Not RPG's, but are so Dang Amazing! Episode 1! UPDATE!

Looks like the seocnd Hotel Dusk game IS comig out in English! Though it's a European release, I plan on getting the game! Either that or I wait for the U.S. version (if it ever comes to the states). I get a bit worried because Trace Memory's second game was on the Wii and it was a Europe only game (for now at least). I played a bit of Trace Memory on the DS and loved it! I'm afraid that they'll do the same sort of thing to this game. But if this game gets enough hype in Europe, I'm pretty sure that it'll come to the states, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

Just yesterday I started to play a bit of Last Window (name of Hotel Dusk's second game). I only watched the opening of the game and tried to translate what was going on. So far, it was just about a murder (or 2?), Red Crown needing Kyle for something, and Kyle entering Capewest Apartments. I plan to play through most of it soon, but I might take my time, due to that I want to translate this game for a bit for my personal use. Since I'm in Japanese class in school, I'm trying to use my skills that I've learned so far, to see if I can translate a bit of the game. I highly doubt I'll finish the game and translate everything, due to my lack of skill of the language. I'm still a bit rusty, but I'll try to see how much I can learn from this game.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Smugleaf a Meme?

Why? I'm still trying to figure out why would a Pokemon would be an internet meme. I can see a reason for Seaking and Mudkip (not really), but Smugleaf? We don't even know who he is yet! But still... the meme's are in progress and who know what they'll do to Smugleaf. My guess that he's the new "Troll Face" or something like that. Anything can happen at this point.


Friday, May 14, 2010

New Pokemon Black and White Screenshots! Featuring New Starters!

The new starter Pokemon have been announced and the trainers have been announced as teenagers rather than children. I dunno why Nintendo decided on that... they still look like kids to me. I'll update all the info on
the site later. There is SO much that has been announced!
EDIT! I'm too lazy to add all the info on the page. Here's the web like with all the good awesome details of this game: Pokebeach.

I suggest that this will be good site to go to if you're dying to know more about Pokemon Black and White Version. I can't be updating every little detail of this game. I'd drive myself crazy! I'm hoping to go back and update on some new RPG's and maybe talk about some more SNES RPG's as well. I can't really focus on one RPG all the time.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My times with Golden Sun on the GBA and Golden Sun DS Rambling.

Just to get the record straight, I really can't wait for Golden Sun DS! Though I haven't really had a chance to play the first game, I'm trying my best to get a copy of the game so I can be able to play it without having to download it. I played a bit of it on an emulator and thought it was great! I stopped playing it because I felt that I needed the copy of the real game rather then just have a ROM file sitting on my computer. I do own a copy of the second game, but when I was playing it, I had no idea what was going on! I felt that the only way to enjoy the second game, is to actually play through the first game and witness the awesome that is Golden Sun.

There hasn't been any real big news about the game aside from just E3 gameplay footage and the trailer. Me and my friends have been fanboying about this game for a while and we decided that we might have a midnight launch party at our local Game Stop. Since I'm able to drive and do all that fun stuff (unlike most of my friends) I'll be sure that I'll be in line getting my copy of Golden Sun DS. The problem for me now is obtaining money to purchase the game. I have enough money to buy a game now, but I tend to be stingy with my money and watch on what I spend. So yeah... need to work on that for a bit, but all and all I can't wait for Golden Sun DS. I hope that this game will be worth the wait!


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Pokemon White & Black Version Starter Pokemon Revealed! For now...

The new Pokemon have been revealed! Well... just slightly. There hasn't been any news about Black and White, but just VERY little gameplay footage of the city. It's only a few seconds long and it doesn't say much about the game. Hopefully more news will turn up, and it'll be posted here.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Cave Story DS Demo?

Through out this week I was pretty dang busy with life and I didn't have a huge motivation to update anything here on the site. Even on my free time I'd rather be playing games rather than update, though my blog is pretty much about video games in general... That was pretty much my entire week, work and video games.

Alright, enough of my rambling. Time to get back to busniess! Back in 2007 a man by the name of "RavenWorks" was creating a port of an awesome indie game called "Cave Story" on the DS. It was impressive news at the time, but since the release of the Wiiware version of Cave Story was released this year, the whole project was stopped due to legal reasons and Nintendo having the rights to Cave Story.

Demos of Cave Story DS have been flying around the web, but have been really hard to spot, due to dead links and most of the links lead to the official Cave Story website. I happen to have a copy of the DS ROM from one of the last updates that was ever given. This ROM just shows the levels and such that has been done so far. There isn't a full game DS ROM of Cave Story, but this is just as good. It sort of gives you the feel on what Cave Story will be like on the DS minus the shooting, story, and killing. Just a bunch of beta stuff. Click the magic link to get your stinking DS ROM.

I won't really be posting much, due to how much work I need to do, plans, and other nonsense going on in my life. I hope I can keep the site updated and talk about more RPG's soon. Maybe a bit more of Pokemon or something. I dunno... I hate being busy...


Monday, May 3, 2010

Cave Story is Amazing and AWESOME URFBOWND MASH UP!

Oh joy! Nothng much has been going on with me really. Just been playing me some Cave Story on my Wii and I'm loving it! Though it might not REALLY be an RPG, it sort of has similar elements like when you're leveling up your weapons and health tanks. It has a sort of a mixture of Castlevania, Metroid, Megaman and Zelda. So it's sort of a sidescroller, shooter, adventure, RPG sort of game... that's pretty much it.
The story is great, but I still don't know a lot yet. I haven't gotten far into the game, but I'm loving it so far!

There hasn't been any real big news about any new RPG's yet. Aside from the new Pokemon title, that "RPG" Maker DS game, possible Maple Story DS in America (though I highly doubt it might come out here in the U.S.), and finally the new Golden Sun. Those games seem to have been talked about a ton by now. I might talk about it a bit more of these games at release day or days before then. What I want to talk about is a mash up that was around for quite a while that I'd like to share with you guys. It's called PK Mash. It's an EarthBound Mash up that pretty much contains EarthBound music and mixed up with really terrible rap, pop and techno. It's craptastic you might say. The song goes for about an hour and a half and it's up for download if you're wanting to take a listen yourself. Here's the official site of PK Mash: PK Mash

If you've heard of PK Mash then here's another treat for you guys! A fan of PK Mash on Starmen. Net made their own version of the last song on PK Mash. It's pretty much the same song, but with EarthBound lyrics and more awesomeness! Here's a the download link: DOWNLOAD ME! It's pretty dang great! Have a listen. Best nerdy take on a song ever.
