Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Games That Are Not RPG's, but are so Dang Amazing! Episode 1! UPDATE!

Looks like the seocnd Hotel Dusk game IS comig out in English! Though it's a European release, I plan on getting the game! Either that or I wait for the U.S. version (if it ever comes to the states). I get a bit worried because Trace Memory's second game was on the Wii and it was a Europe only game (for now at least). I played a bit of Trace Memory on the DS and loved it! I'm afraid that they'll do the same sort of thing to this game. But if this game gets enough hype in Europe, I'm pretty sure that it'll come to the states, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

Just yesterday I started to play a bit of Last Window (name of Hotel Dusk's second game). I only watched the opening of the game and tried to translate what was going on. So far, it was just about a murder (or 2?), Red Crown needing Kyle for something, and Kyle entering Capewest Apartments. I plan to play through most of it soon, but I might take my time, due to that I want to translate this game for a bit for my personal use. Since I'm in Japanese class in school, I'm trying to use my skills that I've learned so far, to see if I can translate a bit of the game. I highly doubt I'll finish the game and translate everything, due to my lack of skill of the language. I'm still a bit rusty, but I'll try to see how much I can learn from this game.


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