Thursday, May 13, 2010

My times with Golden Sun on the GBA and Golden Sun DS Rambling.

Just to get the record straight, I really can't wait for Golden Sun DS! Though I haven't really had a chance to play the first game, I'm trying my best to get a copy of the game so I can be able to play it without having to download it. I played a bit of it on an emulator and thought it was great! I stopped playing it because I felt that I needed the copy of the real game rather then just have a ROM file sitting on my computer. I do own a copy of the second game, but when I was playing it, I had no idea what was going on! I felt that the only way to enjoy the second game, is to actually play through the first game and witness the awesome that is Golden Sun.

There hasn't been any real big news about the game aside from just E3 gameplay footage and the trailer. Me and my friends have been fanboying about this game for a while and we decided that we might have a midnight launch party at our local Game Stop. Since I'm able to drive and do all that fun stuff (unlike most of my friends) I'll be sure that I'll be in line getting my copy of Golden Sun DS. The problem for me now is obtaining money to purchase the game. I have enough money to buy a game now, but I tend to be stingy with my money and watch on what I spend. So yeah... need to work on that for a bit, but all and all I can't wait for Golden Sun DS. I hope that this game will be worth the wait!


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