Monday, May 3, 2010

Cave Story is Amazing and AWESOME URFBOWND MASH UP!

Oh joy! Nothng much has been going on with me really. Just been playing me some Cave Story on my Wii and I'm loving it! Though it might not REALLY be an RPG, it sort of has similar elements like when you're leveling up your weapons and health tanks. It has a sort of a mixture of Castlevania, Metroid, Megaman and Zelda. So it's sort of a sidescroller, shooter, adventure, RPG sort of game... that's pretty much it.
The story is great, but I still don't know a lot yet. I haven't gotten far into the game, but I'm loving it so far!

There hasn't been any real big news about any new RPG's yet. Aside from the new Pokemon title, that "RPG" Maker DS game, possible Maple Story DS in America (though I highly doubt it might come out here in the U.S.), and finally the new Golden Sun. Those games seem to have been talked about a ton by now. I might talk about it a bit more of these games at release day or days before then. What I want to talk about is a mash up that was around for quite a while that I'd like to share with you guys. It's called PK Mash. It's an EarthBound Mash up that pretty much contains EarthBound music and mixed up with really terrible rap, pop and techno. It's craptastic you might say. The song goes for about an hour and a half and it's up for download if you're wanting to take a listen yourself. Here's the official site of PK Mash: PK Mash

If you've heard of PK Mash then here's another treat for you guys! A fan of PK Mash on Starmen. Net made their own version of the last song on PK Mash. It's pretty much the same song, but with EarthBound lyrics and more awesomeness! Here's a the download link: DOWNLOAD ME! It's pretty dang great! Have a listen. Best nerdy take on a song ever.


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