Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Cave Story DS Demo?

Through out this week I was pretty dang busy with life and I didn't have a huge motivation to update anything here on the site. Even on my free time I'd rather be playing games rather than update, though my blog is pretty much about video games in general... That was pretty much my entire week, work and video games.

Alright, enough of my rambling. Time to get back to busniess! Back in 2007 a man by the name of "RavenWorks" was creating a port of an awesome indie game called "Cave Story" on the DS. It was impressive news at the time, but since the release of the Wiiware version of Cave Story was released this year, the whole project was stopped due to legal reasons and Nintendo having the rights to Cave Story.

Demos of Cave Story DS have been flying around the web, but have been really hard to spot, due to dead links and most of the links lead to the official Cave Story website. I happen to have a copy of the DS ROM from one of the last updates that was ever given. This ROM just shows the levels and such that has been done so far. There isn't a full game DS ROM of Cave Story, but this is just as good. It sort of gives you the feel on what Cave Story will be like on the DS minus the shooting, story, and killing. Just a bunch of beta stuff. Click the magic link to get your stinking DS ROM.

I won't really be posting much, due to how much work I need to do, plans, and other nonsense going on in my life. I hope I can keep the site updated and talk about more RPG's soon. Maybe a bit more of Pokemon or something. I dunno... I hate being busy...


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