Monday, May 24, 2010

Summer is Almost Here and my Summer Plan.

I can't believe it's almost summer! Problem about summer is that lack of time I have online. I tend to get really lazy and just play video games and other RPGs. Since I'm free for all of June and gone for the rest of the summer time. I'll be in Hawaii for most of the summer. The first week, I'll be in a college dorm and the rest of the months, I'll be hanging around at a beach house with my family and a friend. After my Hawaii trip, I'm heading to a beach cabin in Montana some time around August. There I'll be hanging with some family friends, meeting an old friend and just game for a bit. That'll be my entire summer trip. I'm pretty sure I'll have my laptop and stuff with me so I can keep things updated and such, but knowing me, I'll be just messing around playing video games and having fun in the sun. I might participate in EBFGP this year (if Starmen.Net is doing it again) because I didn't do any of it last summer and I plan to do all the challenges during me free time. There were plans that they MIGHT do a Chrono Trigger FGP, but that could be later on in the future. Lets just hope I don't fall away from this site and forget to update stuff.

Since I have plenty of school time left for me... I would need to catch up on a TON of work and getting my grades up. I might not update much this week, but I'll be sure to update when I need to!


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