Friday, May 14, 2010

New Pokemon Black and White Screenshots! Featuring New Starters!

The new starter Pokemon have been announced and the trainers have been announced as teenagers rather than children. I dunno why Nintendo decided on that... they still look like kids to me. I'll update all the info on
the site later. There is SO much that has been announced!
EDIT! I'm too lazy to add all the info on the page. Here's the web like with all the good awesome details of this game: Pokebeach.

I suggest that this will be good site to go to if you're dying to know more about Pokemon Black and White Version. I can't be updating every little detail of this game. I'd drive myself crazy! I'm hoping to go back and update on some new RPG's and maybe talk about some more SNES RPG's as well. I can't really focus on one RPG all the time.

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