Friday, April 30, 2010

Mother 2/ EarthBound Novel Translation!

YAY! I was actually thinking about this book today. I was over at the forums on Starmen.Net and I remember an old conversation I had with some folks about the Mother 2 Novel in Japan. The book itself had many detailed events about who's Ness's family, the business that Ness's dad runs, and a whole ton of stuff that was left un-answered after playing Mother 2/ EarthBound. Well, an active user named "Chewy" is decideing to go on a Translation-a-thon and try to complete a full translation of the book. I read a bit of the content on her blog and I'm really impressed by all the effort she's putting into it! I can't wait to read the novel when it's completed! Here's a link to the blog if you're interested to read about it: Mother 2 Novel Translation


Monday, April 26, 2010

Games That Are Not RPG's, but are so Dang Amazing! Episode 1!

Well I'm a huge time gamer and I can't really be playing RPG's all the time! So I just wanted to dedicate some time to one of my favorite mystery novel based game of all time. Of course I'm talking about Hotel Dusk. I have to admit that I've just got into the game when it was first mentioned in an issue of Nintendo Power. I was interested, but at the time I didn't have a DS and a lot of money to spend. By the time I went to purchase the game, it was sold out and I wasn't able to purchase it, until they resold the game again and I had the chance to buy it for $20 at my local Best But or Wal-Mart. I don't remember... I'm getting old... and I'm 17... :(

So yeah, after playing a bit of the game I was really captivated by the detail, art, music and story in an instant! Thought the puzzles were a bit easy and hard at the times, it was a really creative game. Every minute of it made me wonder what was going to happen next. Mainly the story was something that boggled my mind. I'm not going to say anyting about how the it ended. It would be something that you'd have to look forward to when you have a chance to play it.

Though Hotel Dusk is a amazing game, Cing had just announced that they're making a second Hotel Dusk game for the DS. I'm pretty excited for this title, but I'm worried that it might not be sold in the states. Europe is going to have the second game sometime soon, but I really want to see this game make better sales than the first game. for some reason when Hotel Dusk was sold again as a "Touch Generation Classic" title, it seem to have made a bit more sales. Though that it COULD have done the trick, I think in my opinion that people wouldn't be interested with this title. But who knows! Maybe if the game does sell well, I'll be pretty happy, but for now we'll never know for sure if Last Window will come out in the U.S.'s for our DS's. Wow... that would be weird to say out loud... U.S's for our DS's... blah.


Monday, April 19, 2010

GRAH! Pokemon Black and White Screenshots.

Yay! Finally some high quality screenshots for Pokemon Black and White! Took a while to find, but they're here! Lets see what they contain!

On this first shot it looks like it could be your home town. Not quite sure, but it looks like a screenshot from any other Pokemon game. Nothing new here... aside from the main character looking like Yousei from Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's... ewww... I don't even LIKE Yu-Gi-Oh anymore, but I can't help comparing the two.

This shot sort of reminds me of Ruby and Saphire. Just only the long biking trail part in the game... that's all I have to say really. Only the fact that they're nice 3-D details. Everything has gone with the whole 3-D aspect and I really like it! Something tells me though that this will be a 3DS title, but we'll never know until E3 starts.

HMAIGOSHIT'SIN3DAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! My gosh it's 3-D! Man... that's all I have to say. A WELL DETAILED POKEMON GAME?! NO WAY! That's all I have to say. It's crazy, man!

STOP MAKING ME SCREAM NINTENDO! GOSH THE 3-D! So yeah... The Pokemon Center! Nothing to talk about really.

*If you're desperate to know what the Japanese translation for this screen is it says, "Welcome"!*

YOUSEI!!!!!!! Just a cave shot. Nothing to see, but a cave.

A NEW POKEMON! I use to remember the name, but I can't remember. I'll be sure to update this when I remember, but I highly doubt I will because I don't care about Pokemon that much. Black and White seemed to have caught my interest though! I might care for this title! I can't wait!

Well that's all the news about Black and White version! Hopefully a trailer or even video footage of this game will be released soon. I'd like to see it! Maybe when the game comes out I'll give a review and put my thoughts towards the game.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Ness Met Kool-Aid Man?! NO WAY!

I can't believe it really. I should try to post this on EarthBound Central, but me and my friend were just looking up random pictures online and I thought that I'd post it here just for the heck of it. I'm such a EarthBound nerd.


Monday, April 12, 2010

Pokemon White & Black Version Screenshots! Beautiful as a Caveman Holding a Baby!

So yeah! There are new screenshots out now! Not much can be detailed on when it's coming out or even what this game will be about. Heck, I'm not even sure if this is new or just a remake of something we don't know! I'm pretty sure it's a whole new game and more news will come out when the time comes. I'll update a link soon so you can see the screenshots!

UPDATE! Screenshots can be seen here on Serebii.Net!


Saturday, April 10, 2010

New Pokemon Game Announced... ANOTHER ONE?!

I DON'T FREAKIN BELIEVE IT! ANOTHER POKEMON GAME?! We just got Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver! What gives, man?! But I expected as much. This kind of stuff happens a lot. Look what happend to Ruby and Saphire. We got Emarld in the end. Don't forget Gold and Silver! We got Crystal version after that. This is one of my main reasons for not buying the new Pokemon game. I know there will be another Pokemon game down the road and it will have something better than the other versions didn't have. I mean... REALLY NOW?! I think it has been a smart decision in my part to wait. I might even purchase this game when it comes out next year.

The new titles for the game is called Pokemon Black and White Version... can't say it's a really creative name, but I can say that it MIGHT be a good game. No new news has been announced on this title yet so I can't really say that I'll hate it or love it, but new stuff might be updated on Sunday or sometime next week. I'm not quite sure, but I'll keep you updated!



Thursday, April 8, 2010

Just Made it to Lavos! *UPDATE! 11:37AM* Not Really Done...

I GOT TO LAVOS! I haven't beat him yet,  but I plan to later. The Twin Golem battle was pretty dang easy though... except for the fact they kept trying to kill Frog and I alomost ran out of MP and items. But all and all, I got to Lavos. Hopefully I'll soon type about my feelings of the game once I finish it.
I'M NOT EVEN CLOSE TO FINISHING! :( Just went to look up a walkthrough of this game, because I thought that was a REALLY short game. I found out that it's the halfway point through the game. I was a bit worried for a second, but I'm really glad that it's a long game rather than a short RPG. If it were a short RPG that would have been the end of it for me. This IS my first time playing Chrono Trigger after all, so that was a bit of a n00b move on my part. It's all good though. We tend to make that mistake. Well see you guys soon! I'll be sure to keep you up to date on my journey through this wonderful RPG!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Frustration at the Ocean Palace in Chrono Trigger and Busy Situations

After many months I decided to try to finish Chrono Trigger on my DS. Last time I was playing it I was stuck in the Ocean Palace because I really didn't know what to do. I just stopped playing for a bit and many months have gone by... I decided it was best to beat the game and not procrastinate on trying to finish it.

I started a few days ago and had no trouble. I figured out how to do everything and I'm moving along just fine. I'm not sure if this happens to many people while they're playing Chrono Trigger, but the temple got REALLY repetitive. I got all the switches triggered and went down the long stairs. Killed about 3 groups of enemies and continued on.  I went down on the elevator and killed 3 more baddies. I soon realize that I'm out of Mid-Potion's and Either's to heal my team. So I get out of the Palace and buy more items. I go back and to my suprise was facing the same enemies again. I didn't expect that to happen, but I just lived with it. I go on and do the entire killing process again and soon realized that I could have bought Shelter's back at the shop and use them at save points to heal all of my team rather than just using only Potions and Eithers. I go back up to the shop, get the Shelter, and I face the same enemies again... doing the same old thing... At this point I just said "Screw it. I don't think I'll make it to the boss. I HATE BACKTRACKING". So I continued through and FINALLY found a save point to get to the boss. I haven't completed it yet, due to how busy I am with work and such. I was quite shocked of how many hours went by just to get to another save point. I know there was a save point near the elevator and I didn't really need to go through all that, but I wanted to stock up on a ton of items and get through the entire Palace without stopping. I wanted to get it over with and continue through that game.

I don't think that it's much of a problem to a hardcore gamer, due to that they have all the time in the world. For me I'm a hardcore gamer, but I tend to have other things to do in life. I'm in my Junior year at High School and I want to get a bunch of my work done so I can have free time to play games later. It's too bad though because I ALWAYS have work to do. I try to play before I go to bed, but I tend to fall asleep a bit when I go through a really repetitive task.

What about you guys? Has this happen to you before? If so, how do you tend on completing such a task? Do you continue to play till you make it, or put it off till next time? If none of these, do you have a special way to do both at the same time? Leave a comment! I'd love to hear what you guys do in situations like this.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Blog Updates are DONE!

Blog updates are DONE! I decided to change the blog a bit like I mentioned yesterday. I changed some stuff on this blog like a new banner, Twitter updates from me, and new links to other SNES fan sites. I plan to add more content soon to not make this blog a bit boring like I did with my old EarthBound blog. Hopefully I'll start this blog as a good long running blog, rather than just stopping for about 8 months and never updating anything type of blog. Hope you guys will enjoy the new blog!


Monday, April 5, 2010

Long Absense and Additional News Besides EarthBound?!

Just coming back to this blog after about... 8 to 9 months. I've been really caught up with school work, what I want to do with my future, and other video projects that are about to drive me crazy. As of now... I've been pretty jumpy on certain RPG titles like I've been on EarthBound, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy and all other crazy junk. I'm thinking to maybe expand the site a bit and talk about classic SNES RPG's rather than EarthBound. It doesn't mean that I'm totally leaving out EarthBound! I'll still update news and other stuff about EB from time to time. I'm just waiting for some great news to come by, but sadly there might not be for quite a while. No new Mother games are coming out besides the Mother 4 Fan Game and I don't want to be copying on EarthBound Central's site with the same updates, because that wouldn't be awesome. That's why I'm planning to expand my updates to other classic RPGS or even new upcoming RPGS. Hopefully I can get to work on that and get everything done soon.

Just to add in, I might delete the EB Blog You tube channel as well. I don't really see a use of it and I think it's quite terrible becuase no one really comments or no activity going on at the moment. But if I happen to change my mind, I'll keep it and update that sometime later. Ugh... hopefully I can get that out of the way and get some stuff done so I won't have to stress out about life and crazy junk like that.

Thanks for understanding about my long absense!
