Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Frustration at the Ocean Palace in Chrono Trigger and Busy Situations

After many months I decided to try to finish Chrono Trigger on my DS. Last time I was playing it I was stuck in the Ocean Palace because I really didn't know what to do. I just stopped playing for a bit and many months have gone by... I decided it was best to beat the game and not procrastinate on trying to finish it.

I started a few days ago and had no trouble. I figured out how to do everything and I'm moving along just fine. I'm not sure if this happens to many people while they're playing Chrono Trigger, but the temple got REALLY repetitive. I got all the switches triggered and went down the long stairs. Killed about 3 groups of enemies and continued on.  I went down on the elevator and killed 3 more baddies. I soon realize that I'm out of Mid-Potion's and Either's to heal my team. So I get out of the Palace and buy more items. I go back and to my suprise was facing the same enemies again. I didn't expect that to happen, but I just lived with it. I go on and do the entire killing process again and soon realized that I could have bought Shelter's back at the shop and use them at save points to heal all of my team rather than just using only Potions and Eithers. I go back up to the shop, get the Shelter, and I face the same enemies again... doing the same old thing... At this point I just said "Screw it. I don't think I'll make it to the boss. I HATE BACKTRACKING". So I continued through and FINALLY found a save point to get to the boss. I haven't completed it yet, due to how busy I am with work and such. I was quite shocked of how many hours went by just to get to another save point. I know there was a save point near the elevator and I didn't really need to go through all that, but I wanted to stock up on a ton of items and get through the entire Palace without stopping. I wanted to get it over with and continue through that game.

I don't think that it's much of a problem to a hardcore gamer, due to that they have all the time in the world. For me I'm a hardcore gamer, but I tend to have other things to do in life. I'm in my Junior year at High School and I want to get a bunch of my work done so I can have free time to play games later. It's too bad though because I ALWAYS have work to do. I try to play before I go to bed, but I tend to fall asleep a bit when I go through a really repetitive task.

What about you guys? Has this happen to you before? If so, how do you tend on completing such a task? Do you continue to play till you make it, or put it off till next time? If none of these, do you have a special way to do both at the same time? Leave a comment! I'd love to hear what you guys do in situations like this.


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