Monday, April 19, 2010

GRAH! Pokemon Black and White Screenshots.

Yay! Finally some high quality screenshots for Pokemon Black and White! Took a while to find, but they're here! Lets see what they contain!

On this first shot it looks like it could be your home town. Not quite sure, but it looks like a screenshot from any other Pokemon game. Nothing new here... aside from the main character looking like Yousei from Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's... ewww... I don't even LIKE Yu-Gi-Oh anymore, but I can't help comparing the two.

This shot sort of reminds me of Ruby and Saphire. Just only the long biking trail part in the game... that's all I have to say really. Only the fact that they're nice 3-D details. Everything has gone with the whole 3-D aspect and I really like it! Something tells me though that this will be a 3DS title, but we'll never know until E3 starts.

HMAIGOSHIT'SIN3DAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! My gosh it's 3-D! Man... that's all I have to say. A WELL DETAILED POKEMON GAME?! NO WAY! That's all I have to say. It's crazy, man!

STOP MAKING ME SCREAM NINTENDO! GOSH THE 3-D! So yeah... The Pokemon Center! Nothing to talk about really.

*If you're desperate to know what the Japanese translation for this screen is it says, "Welcome"!*

YOUSEI!!!!!!! Just a cave shot. Nothing to see, but a cave.

A NEW POKEMON! I use to remember the name, but I can't remember. I'll be sure to update this when I remember, but I highly doubt I will because I don't care about Pokemon that much. Black and White seemed to have caught my interest though! I might care for this title! I can't wait!

Well that's all the news about Black and White version! Hopefully a trailer or even video footage of this game will be released soon. I'd like to see it! Maybe when the game comes out I'll give a review and put my thoughts towards the game.


  1. Ok.. I just posted a comment... now what... wheres mah cookiez?!

    FINE JEEZ!!!!!!!!

  2. Just check often and you'll be updated with some awesome RPG news!
