Saturday, April 10, 2010

New Pokemon Game Announced... ANOTHER ONE?!

I DON'T FREAKIN BELIEVE IT! ANOTHER POKEMON GAME?! We just got Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver! What gives, man?! But I expected as much. This kind of stuff happens a lot. Look what happend to Ruby and Saphire. We got Emarld in the end. Don't forget Gold and Silver! We got Crystal version after that. This is one of my main reasons for not buying the new Pokemon game. I know there will be another Pokemon game down the road and it will have something better than the other versions didn't have. I mean... REALLY NOW?! I think it has been a smart decision in my part to wait. I might even purchase this game when it comes out next year.

The new titles for the game is called Pokemon Black and White Version... can't say it's a really creative name, but I can say that it MIGHT be a good game. No new news has been announced on this title yet so I can't really say that I'll hate it or love it, but new stuff might be updated on Sunday or sometime next week. I'm not quite sure, but I'll keep you updated!



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