Monday, November 22, 2010

The Blog Ends Here

I guess I won't be using this Blogger account anymore. It's time to move on. I don't think I can be able to update about games all the time. If you're interestd in what I'm doing with my life go to this blog:

NOTE: I won't delete this blog because of the downloads page. I'll leave everything here as it is.

Monday, October 25, 2010

EarthBound Fanfest 2010 is here! Oh the JOY!

So yeah, EB Fanfest! It starts today on Starmen.Net! Be sure you participate! I know I will. I finally got a official copy of EarthBound, but I don't have a SNES. :( But on the bright side, I won't feel like I'm breaking the law, since I have an official cart. I can play EB on a ROM whenever, though I've been doing that for quite a while...

Gah! Anyway, be sure to get on Ustream tonight to participate in the EB Fanfest and win some awesome prizes! They'll announce the Twitterlibs winner tonight, and I really hope I win. I highly doubt it, but it's worth a shot!

Friday, October 22, 2010

ROM Hacking Project? RPG Related?

I've been working with ROM hacking lately and since I'm doing something real big for my Senior Project at school. I won't reveal what I'm working on, but I'll be sure to put it on the blog soon, so be on the look out for that. I'm not sure when I'll update it, but it'll be soon. :3

Monday, September 13, 2010

School is Here! D:

AND THAT MEANS NO UPDATES FOR A WHILE. Maybe some news here and there, but that's about it. :(

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Tale of the Creepy Pokemon Hack!

If you know about this story already, then I don't need to talk about it. If you need some insight on this here's a link for all the details!

As far as you know, this story could be a fake. Fake or not, it's still a scary story! Heck, even my sister got scared of this story! But it wasn't from the Tiny Cartridge post. It was from the DS homebrew that was released today! This homebrew pretty much tells the story about the Pokemon Black hack WITH an extra ending. And trust me on this that IT WILL BE SCARY. Unless you're like me... I wasn't too frightened, but golly it was creepy! If you want to get the ROM for this then here's a link! If you don't have a flash cart or an emulator (which isn't that hard to download) then google for a DS emulator... If you're too lazy, then here's a recording so you don't have to do anything! Yay for being lazy!

Sorry for the nightmares!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Golden Sun: Dark Dawn- Preview

Like I've mentioned before, I can't wait! I'm struggling a bit in the first game, but I think I'll finish the first 2 games before this one comes out.

Monday, August 9, 2010

I'm Getting Serious! + I Feel...G...A...B...B...E...R...(Giygas Remix)

My gosh! And I thought Furries in a Blender was only good at the John Freeman remix. Hands down this is a amazing remix for EarthBound.

Fixing Silver Verion's Battery! Part 1- The Operation!

I decided to open up the cartridge so that once I get the battery, I can just put it in and do the rest from there, but since I don't have the battery, I can't finish it just yet. So here's the progress of the work I've done so far.

Here's the tools I used the get this game open. Since I don't have the fancy Nintendo screwdriver to open this up, I did the next best thing.

Melt the tip of a regular pen (don't catch it on fire) and sink it in, in the back of the Gameboy cartridge where the screw is and let it cool down. If it get stuck in the cartridge then that's fine. It's cooling down to the mold on the cart. Don't make it too hot, or it'll melt some for the plastic on the cartridge! This almost happen to me, but I took it out in time.

Once you unscrew the back with your pen, slide the front part of the cart, down and pop it out. Take out the motherboard and put it on a clean surface. As you'll see in the picture, there's the battery in the yellow. You don't want to get rid of the metal strip on top of the battery and on the bottom of the battery. You'll need them later. Use some tweezers or a small screwdriver to take off the sawder on the bottom of the strip until it looks like the picture up above.

The harest part will be the bottom strip. It's sawdered on well and it's a pain to get out. Well it was for me anyway...

If you're lucky, the congrats! You've removed the dead Gameboy battery!

Here's what the battery looks like. Since you really don't need the dead battery anymore, you can just throw it away.

And as a bonus picture here's the game runing without a save battery. Though it still works, you won't be able to save and all that. Be sure to check out the next post where I'll install the new battery and test it to see if it'll save!


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Combo Deal! I love Goodwill!

Well, it was a Saturday afternoon and I thought it would be a good idea to go to Goodwill, because of all the electronics that people seem to have thrown away. Like the good old nerd I am, I went down there to see what they got. I was having my hopes up to find a copy of EarthBound, but instead I found something that my inner childhood would love to have. 2 Gameboys for $10! One Gameboy Pocket and one Gameboy Color! Since I'm really into handheld gaming, I couldn't just let these treasures go to waste, so made my purchase and I was out the door! I never had a Gameboy in my life until I got a Gameboy Advance for Chirstmas years ago. So I was sort of making up the childhood I never had... sort of. Here's a picture of the 2 Gameboys I got.

It was a pretty sweet find! That was until I looked in the back of the Gameboy Color...
It was a copy of Pokemon Silver! I was pretty happy since I've only played this game for a bit as a kid. Now I had my own copy to play. Without delay I got some batteries and I started playing. But there was a problem...

They save battery in the game was dead and I couldn't keep my saved data. :( I was quite upset, but after looking up info on this problem, I could just replace the save data battery. So after teaching myself how to fix this problem, I'm planning to buy a new CR2025 Lithium battery to replace the dead one inside. I have most of the tools, I just need the battery and maybe some electrical tape (clear tape works as well). I'll show some of the step by step progress tomorrow, or whenever I get the new battery, but for now I just got to play some Mother 3 for the Funfest over at and play Pokemon Red on my DS Flashcart. Hope to see you guys again! If I find a interesting RPG/ Gaming related thing at Goodwill again, I'll let ya know!


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Urgh... Long Vacation,Work Life,and Other Site News

Well... its been a while since I've been on this blog. I've been kept busy with my life and other such to get ready for senior year for high school. I've been also been busy with some new RPG's like Dragon Quest IX, Kingdom Hearts, Golden Sun, and soon to play Mother 3 (for the Fanfest by Fangamer). I'm trying to get a ton of stuff done, before school starts again. I'll still be playing video games and a ton of new games from time to time, but I got to really concentrate on my life and get stuff done. I bet that by the time I get to college I'll be gaming a bit more than I was at home, but I will be studying like a mad man. A bit more than high school studying (except for SAT's and ACT's... I still need to do that and I'll need PLENTY of study time). I will be posting new stuff from time to time, but I'm not sure how often. I don't really want to keep updating on newer RPG's anymore. It's quite common on what's coming out and I'll just update the ones I want to talk about. I might have some stuff updated about newer games, but I'm not too sure. Well... hope to see you guys soon. Maybe a site redesign? Who knows! I have some ideas for some changes on this site.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Monday, June 28, 2010

Pokemon Black and White Trailer!

Really? 3 way Pokemon battles? New Wifi details? What's going on?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Pokemon Black and White Update- Release Date September 18!

Now that there's a release date, I'll be sure to see if I can get a copy of this game! The detail looks great, battle system looks awesome and that's about it. I'm not sure if the game will hold my high expectations, but we'll have to wait and see!


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Chrono Trigger Funfest Next Week!

Well it's alomost here! A CT funfest by AKA Famgamer! I remember last year when I was working hard on EBFGP, but now this is going to be a fun challenge! I don't really know what kind of events are going to take place yet, but I can already tell that it's going to be a great summer treat!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

My EarthBound Addiction

Hello, my name is VGMaster64, and I'm an EarthBound addict. I swear, there is something about this game that always makes me want to play it over and over again. As of now, I don't own a copy of the masterpiece. If I had a load of money to spend, this would be first dibs. I have only rom data of the game. I have the game installed on my Wii, on my GBA with Mother 1+2, Mother 3 on a DS Lite flashcart, and EarthBound on my USB drive to play on whatever computer I desire. I pretty much have EarthBound wherever I go. I'm pretty sure for some people, they might think that I'm crazy. Some people might say that it's perfectly fine. If you love a certain thing you'd be crazy to do just about anything for it. It's a fact of life.

I can't really be sure how many files or times I have played EarthBound. I've beaten the EB on my Wii and starting a 2nd file, I have1 file filled out on Mother 1+2 and I have another file to finish there, I've played through Mother 3 about twice, but I plan to play it again once I have a official cart of the game. Finally I have 3 or 4 EB files to finish on the emulator. I beat the game on my laptop and starting a new file there, I also have an EB set up at my Grandma's place, and I just started that. So you can pretty much tell that I know this game backwards and forwards, but why do I play it so much? I really have no idea really, I just seem to have really enjoyed the story, the characters, the sillyness and the whole moral that if tells in the end. EarthBound is one of those game where you just don't know why you love it so much, but you continue to play itover and over again. I bet some people at would understand those reasons.

A ton of my friends can't see the replay value of EarthBound. I got my girlfriend convinced to play it, but she would need some time to figure out when she can, because she and I are extremely busy with school and finals coming up next week, so not much time for play. Well, I'll just leave this post as it is so I can get back to work and you can ponder about something while I'm gone: Has there been a game/RPG in your life where you just kept playing over and over again? I'd like to hear what you have to say!


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

New Fire Emblem Game and Info!

The new Fire Emblem game has been announced! Horray! There a decent amount of info for this game and it kind of shocks me that Marth isn't the main character, but it's going to be a custom made character that'll be played through the entire game. Here are some of the details just to see what I mean.

Title: Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem – Hero of Light and Shadow

- Due out on July 15th in Japan
- Wi-Fi support for 2 players
- Marth is no longer the lead character
- You control a recruit in the Knights of Altea
- You are the main character
- Create a character with 'My Unit'
- Customize gender, eye, hair, and face styles
- These choices affect conversations with fellow knights
- New scenarios for the My Unit character
- Prologue which follows the My Unit character
- Side story with a new map
With the idea of having new scenarios, side stories, and the outcome of your character affects the way you have conversations with your knights, makes me think a ton about Chrono Trigger. Though I'm not saying that it's very similar to Chrono Trigger, I'm just saying that it has that sort of similarity with the whole alternate outcome and choices you make through out the game. None the less, it sounds like a pretty great game! If more details show up, I'll let you guys know.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My Times With Tales Of Phantasia!

I just felt like talking about this game for a bit, because I haven't played this game in a while. It's been years! I remember purchasing the game at Nintendo World in New York. I bought about 3 RPG's at that store and a bunch of other games. Once I got home, it was a huge gaming frenzy. I think that I started Tales of Phantasia first and after a while, I stopped because it got a bit hard for me and I just put it away. As of now I plan to restart this game after I finish up Pokemon Soul Silver.

I should be grateful that I have this game, because this game never came out in the U.S. during the SNES times, until it was re-released on the GBA. I hope to play this game very soon. It would have to be during the summer time, because I have 2 weeks left of school and I REALLY need to keep up on my work.


Monday, May 31, 2010

WarioWare DIY - EarthBound Runaway 5 Theme!

An awesome fan being an awesome fan. What more can you say?


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Golden Sun TV Ad!

I would have never guessed that this commerical would be for Golden Sun! Now I have a real good reason to play this game now! It's a sad truth that I've never played a Golden Sun game, but the reason for that is because I only have the copy of the second game. I tried to find a copy of the first one, but I can't find it! It makes me kinda sad that it'll be hard to find. I guess if I can't find it, I'll have to download it. I hate when I miss out on an old classic like this.


Friday, May 28, 2010

Pokémon Black and White - New City and Battle Gameplay!

WHOA! That's all I have to say! ~VGMaster64

Pokemon White & Black Version: Legendary Pokemon Revealed and Release Date!

Now all we have to do is wait for next year... or if you're in Japan, just a few more months. I'll see if I can get my hands on the Japanese copy, so I can type my thoughts about it on the site.


Monday, May 24, 2010

Summer is Almost Here and my Summer Plan.

I can't believe it's almost summer! Problem about summer is that lack of time I have online. I tend to get really lazy and just play video games and other RPGs. Since I'm free for all of June and gone for the rest of the summer time. I'll be in Hawaii for most of the summer. The first week, I'll be in a college dorm and the rest of the months, I'll be hanging around at a beach house with my family and a friend. After my Hawaii trip, I'm heading to a beach cabin in Montana some time around August. There I'll be hanging with some family friends, meeting an old friend and just game for a bit. That'll be my entire summer trip. I'm pretty sure I'll have my laptop and stuff with me so I can keep things updated and such, but knowing me, I'll be just messing around playing video games and having fun in the sun. I might participate in EBFGP this year (if Starmen.Net is doing it again) because I didn't do any of it last summer and I plan to do all the challenges during me free time. There were plans that they MIGHT do a Chrono Trigger FGP, but that could be later on in the future. Lets just hope I don't fall away from this site and forget to update stuff.

Since I have plenty of school time left for me... I would need to catch up on a TON of work and getting my grades up. I might not update much this week, but I'll be sure to update when I need to!


Friday, May 21, 2010

Maple Story DS Korean Only Game & ROM Download!

This is a bit of old news, but Maple Story DS has been in development for quite a while on the DS. I'm not really a fan of Maple Story, but I know some RPG fans out there who really enjoy this game. It's kinda of depressing for them that they won't be able to get their hands on this game, unless they import the game. Another problem would be to read the text, because the whole game is Korean. Luckily, a team of hackers made an English patch for Maple Story DS! If you have a flashcart or an emulator to play it on, then you're good to go! There are still some bugs in this patch so future updates of the patch will come out soon. I had a chance to play through it and it's pretty good! The only downside to the translation, is the fact that only the menu, items and naming screens are in English and not the whole game. If you want your own copy of the Maple Story DS ROM all patched and ready to go, I'll post a link on the site later tonight.

EDIT: Here's the download! Enjoy!


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies Trailer

YESH! We're getting the new Dragon Quest 9 game! I've learned a ton about this game when they announced it in Japan and talked a ton about the online play, I knew from that moment that this would be an RPG that'll NEVER get old. I never thought a US release would happen, but this is some exciting news! There are too many good games coming out this year!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Games That Are Not RPG's, but are so Dang Amazing! Episode 1! UPDATE!

Looks like the seocnd Hotel Dusk game IS comig out in English! Though it's a European release, I plan on getting the game! Either that or I wait for the U.S. version (if it ever comes to the states). I get a bit worried because Trace Memory's second game was on the Wii and it was a Europe only game (for now at least). I played a bit of Trace Memory on the DS and loved it! I'm afraid that they'll do the same sort of thing to this game. But if this game gets enough hype in Europe, I'm pretty sure that it'll come to the states, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

Just yesterday I started to play a bit of Last Window (name of Hotel Dusk's second game). I only watched the opening of the game and tried to translate what was going on. So far, it was just about a murder (or 2?), Red Crown needing Kyle for something, and Kyle entering Capewest Apartments. I plan to play through most of it soon, but I might take my time, due to that I want to translate this game for a bit for my personal use. Since I'm in Japanese class in school, I'm trying to use my skills that I've learned so far, to see if I can translate a bit of the game. I highly doubt I'll finish the game and translate everything, due to my lack of skill of the language. I'm still a bit rusty, but I'll try to see how much I can learn from this game.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Smugleaf a Meme?

Why? I'm still trying to figure out why would a Pokemon would be an internet meme. I can see a reason for Seaking and Mudkip (not really), but Smugleaf? We don't even know who he is yet! But still... the meme's are in progress and who know what they'll do to Smugleaf. My guess that he's the new "Troll Face" or something like that. Anything can happen at this point.


Friday, May 14, 2010

New Pokemon Black and White Screenshots! Featuring New Starters!

The new starter Pokemon have been announced and the trainers have been announced as teenagers rather than children. I dunno why Nintendo decided on that... they still look like kids to me. I'll update all the info on
the site later. There is SO much that has been announced!
EDIT! I'm too lazy to add all the info on the page. Here's the web like with all the good awesome details of this game: Pokebeach.

I suggest that this will be good site to go to if you're dying to know more about Pokemon Black and White Version. I can't be updating every little detail of this game. I'd drive myself crazy! I'm hoping to go back and update on some new RPG's and maybe talk about some more SNES RPG's as well. I can't really focus on one RPG all the time.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My times with Golden Sun on the GBA and Golden Sun DS Rambling.

Just to get the record straight, I really can't wait for Golden Sun DS! Though I haven't really had a chance to play the first game, I'm trying my best to get a copy of the game so I can be able to play it without having to download it. I played a bit of it on an emulator and thought it was great! I stopped playing it because I felt that I needed the copy of the real game rather then just have a ROM file sitting on my computer. I do own a copy of the second game, but when I was playing it, I had no idea what was going on! I felt that the only way to enjoy the second game, is to actually play through the first game and witness the awesome that is Golden Sun.

There hasn't been any real big news about the game aside from just E3 gameplay footage and the trailer. Me and my friends have been fanboying about this game for a while and we decided that we might have a midnight launch party at our local Game Stop. Since I'm able to drive and do all that fun stuff (unlike most of my friends) I'll be sure that I'll be in line getting my copy of Golden Sun DS. The problem for me now is obtaining money to purchase the game. I have enough money to buy a game now, but I tend to be stingy with my money and watch on what I spend. So yeah... need to work on that for a bit, but all and all I can't wait for Golden Sun DS. I hope that this game will be worth the wait!


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Pokemon White & Black Version Starter Pokemon Revealed! For now...

The new Pokemon have been revealed! Well... just slightly. There hasn't been any news about Black and White, but just VERY little gameplay footage of the city. It's only a few seconds long and it doesn't say much about the game. Hopefully more news will turn up, and it'll be posted here.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Cave Story DS Demo?

Through out this week I was pretty dang busy with life and I didn't have a huge motivation to update anything here on the site. Even on my free time I'd rather be playing games rather than update, though my blog is pretty much about video games in general... That was pretty much my entire week, work and video games.

Alright, enough of my rambling. Time to get back to busniess! Back in 2007 a man by the name of "RavenWorks" was creating a port of an awesome indie game called "Cave Story" on the DS. It was impressive news at the time, but since the release of the Wiiware version of Cave Story was released this year, the whole project was stopped due to legal reasons and Nintendo having the rights to Cave Story.

Demos of Cave Story DS have been flying around the web, but have been really hard to spot, due to dead links and most of the links lead to the official Cave Story website. I happen to have a copy of the DS ROM from one of the last updates that was ever given. This ROM just shows the levels and such that has been done so far. There isn't a full game DS ROM of Cave Story, but this is just as good. It sort of gives you the feel on what Cave Story will be like on the DS minus the shooting, story, and killing. Just a bunch of beta stuff. Click the magic link to get your stinking DS ROM.

I won't really be posting much, due to how much work I need to do, plans, and other nonsense going on in my life. I hope I can keep the site updated and talk about more RPG's soon. Maybe a bit more of Pokemon or something. I dunno... I hate being busy...


Monday, May 3, 2010

Cave Story is Amazing and AWESOME URFBOWND MASH UP!

Oh joy! Nothng much has been going on with me really. Just been playing me some Cave Story on my Wii and I'm loving it! Though it might not REALLY be an RPG, it sort of has similar elements like when you're leveling up your weapons and health tanks. It has a sort of a mixture of Castlevania, Metroid, Megaman and Zelda. So it's sort of a sidescroller, shooter, adventure, RPG sort of game... that's pretty much it.
The story is great, but I still don't know a lot yet. I haven't gotten far into the game, but I'm loving it so far!

There hasn't been any real big news about any new RPG's yet. Aside from the new Pokemon title, that "RPG" Maker DS game, possible Maple Story DS in America (though I highly doubt it might come out here in the U.S.), and finally the new Golden Sun. Those games seem to have been talked about a ton by now. I might talk about it a bit more of these games at release day or days before then. What I want to talk about is a mash up that was around for quite a while that I'd like to share with you guys. It's called PK Mash. It's an EarthBound Mash up that pretty much contains EarthBound music and mixed up with really terrible rap, pop and techno. It's craptastic you might say. The song goes for about an hour and a half and it's up for download if you're wanting to take a listen yourself. Here's the official site of PK Mash: PK Mash

If you've heard of PK Mash then here's another treat for you guys! A fan of PK Mash on Starmen. Net made their own version of the last song on PK Mash. It's pretty much the same song, but with EarthBound lyrics and more awesomeness! Here's a the download link: DOWNLOAD ME! It's pretty dang great! Have a listen. Best nerdy take on a song ever.


Friday, April 30, 2010

Mother 2/ EarthBound Novel Translation!

YAY! I was actually thinking about this book today. I was over at the forums on Starmen.Net and I remember an old conversation I had with some folks about the Mother 2 Novel in Japan. The book itself had many detailed events about who's Ness's family, the business that Ness's dad runs, and a whole ton of stuff that was left un-answered after playing Mother 2/ EarthBound. Well, an active user named "Chewy" is decideing to go on a Translation-a-thon and try to complete a full translation of the book. I read a bit of the content on her blog and I'm really impressed by all the effort she's putting into it! I can't wait to read the novel when it's completed! Here's a link to the blog if you're interested to read about it: Mother 2 Novel Translation


Monday, April 26, 2010

Games That Are Not RPG's, but are so Dang Amazing! Episode 1!

Well I'm a huge time gamer and I can't really be playing RPG's all the time! So I just wanted to dedicate some time to one of my favorite mystery novel based game of all time. Of course I'm talking about Hotel Dusk. I have to admit that I've just got into the game when it was first mentioned in an issue of Nintendo Power. I was interested, but at the time I didn't have a DS and a lot of money to spend. By the time I went to purchase the game, it was sold out and I wasn't able to purchase it, until they resold the game again and I had the chance to buy it for $20 at my local Best But or Wal-Mart. I don't remember... I'm getting old... and I'm 17... :(

So yeah, after playing a bit of the game I was really captivated by the detail, art, music and story in an instant! Thought the puzzles were a bit easy and hard at the times, it was a really creative game. Every minute of it made me wonder what was going to happen next. Mainly the story was something that boggled my mind. I'm not going to say anyting about how the it ended. It would be something that you'd have to look forward to when you have a chance to play it.

Though Hotel Dusk is a amazing game, Cing had just announced that they're making a second Hotel Dusk game for the DS. I'm pretty excited for this title, but I'm worried that it might not be sold in the states. Europe is going to have the second game sometime soon, but I really want to see this game make better sales than the first game. for some reason when Hotel Dusk was sold again as a "Touch Generation Classic" title, it seem to have made a bit more sales. Though that it COULD have done the trick, I think in my opinion that people wouldn't be interested with this title. But who knows! Maybe if the game does sell well, I'll be pretty happy, but for now we'll never know for sure if Last Window will come out in the U.S.'s for our DS's. Wow... that would be weird to say out loud... U.S's for our DS's... blah.


Monday, April 19, 2010

GRAH! Pokemon Black and White Screenshots.

Yay! Finally some high quality screenshots for Pokemon Black and White! Took a while to find, but they're here! Lets see what they contain!

On this first shot it looks like it could be your home town. Not quite sure, but it looks like a screenshot from any other Pokemon game. Nothing new here... aside from the main character looking like Yousei from Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's... ewww... I don't even LIKE Yu-Gi-Oh anymore, but I can't help comparing the two.

This shot sort of reminds me of Ruby and Saphire. Just only the long biking trail part in the game... that's all I have to say really. Only the fact that they're nice 3-D details. Everything has gone with the whole 3-D aspect and I really like it! Something tells me though that this will be a 3DS title, but we'll never know until E3 starts.

HMAIGOSHIT'SIN3DAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! My gosh it's 3-D! Man... that's all I have to say. A WELL DETAILED POKEMON GAME?! NO WAY! That's all I have to say. It's crazy, man!

STOP MAKING ME SCREAM NINTENDO! GOSH THE 3-D! So yeah... The Pokemon Center! Nothing to talk about really.

*If you're desperate to know what the Japanese translation for this screen is it says, "Welcome"!*

YOUSEI!!!!!!! Just a cave shot. Nothing to see, but a cave.

A NEW POKEMON! I use to remember the name, but I can't remember. I'll be sure to update this when I remember, but I highly doubt I will because I don't care about Pokemon that much. Black and White seemed to have caught my interest though! I might care for this title! I can't wait!

Well that's all the news about Black and White version! Hopefully a trailer or even video footage of this game will be released soon. I'd like to see it! Maybe when the game comes out I'll give a review and put my thoughts towards the game.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Ness Met Kool-Aid Man?! NO WAY!

I can't believe it really. I should try to post this on EarthBound Central, but me and my friend were just looking up random pictures online and I thought that I'd post it here just for the heck of it. I'm such a EarthBound nerd.


Monday, April 12, 2010

Pokemon White & Black Version Screenshots! Beautiful as a Caveman Holding a Baby!

So yeah! There are new screenshots out now! Not much can be detailed on when it's coming out or even what this game will be about. Heck, I'm not even sure if this is new or just a remake of something we don't know! I'm pretty sure it's a whole new game and more news will come out when the time comes. I'll update a link soon so you can see the screenshots!

UPDATE! Screenshots can be seen here on Serebii.Net!


Saturday, April 10, 2010

New Pokemon Game Announced... ANOTHER ONE?!

I DON'T FREAKIN BELIEVE IT! ANOTHER POKEMON GAME?! We just got Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver! What gives, man?! But I expected as much. This kind of stuff happens a lot. Look what happend to Ruby and Saphire. We got Emarld in the end. Don't forget Gold and Silver! We got Crystal version after that. This is one of my main reasons for not buying the new Pokemon game. I know there will be another Pokemon game down the road and it will have something better than the other versions didn't have. I mean... REALLY NOW?! I think it has been a smart decision in my part to wait. I might even purchase this game when it comes out next year.

The new titles for the game is called Pokemon Black and White Version... can't say it's a really creative name, but I can say that it MIGHT be a good game. No new news has been announced on this title yet so I can't really say that I'll hate it or love it, but new stuff might be updated on Sunday or sometime next week. I'm not quite sure, but I'll keep you updated!



Thursday, April 8, 2010

Just Made it to Lavos! *UPDATE! 11:37AM* Not Really Done...

I GOT TO LAVOS! I haven't beat him yet,  but I plan to later. The Twin Golem battle was pretty dang easy though... except for the fact they kept trying to kill Frog and I alomost ran out of MP and items. But all and all, I got to Lavos. Hopefully I'll soon type about my feelings of the game once I finish it.
I'M NOT EVEN CLOSE TO FINISHING! :( Just went to look up a walkthrough of this game, because I thought that was a REALLY short game. I found out that it's the halfway point through the game. I was a bit worried for a second, but I'm really glad that it's a long game rather than a short RPG. If it were a short RPG that would have been the end of it for me. This IS my first time playing Chrono Trigger after all, so that was a bit of a n00b move on my part. It's all good though. We tend to make that mistake. Well see you guys soon! I'll be sure to keep you up to date on my journey through this wonderful RPG!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Frustration at the Ocean Palace in Chrono Trigger and Busy Situations

After many months I decided to try to finish Chrono Trigger on my DS. Last time I was playing it I was stuck in the Ocean Palace because I really didn't know what to do. I just stopped playing for a bit and many months have gone by... I decided it was best to beat the game and not procrastinate on trying to finish it.

I started a few days ago and had no trouble. I figured out how to do everything and I'm moving along just fine. I'm not sure if this happens to many people while they're playing Chrono Trigger, but the temple got REALLY repetitive. I got all the switches triggered and went down the long stairs. Killed about 3 groups of enemies and continued on.  I went down on the elevator and killed 3 more baddies. I soon realize that I'm out of Mid-Potion's and Either's to heal my team. So I get out of the Palace and buy more items. I go back and to my suprise was facing the same enemies again. I didn't expect that to happen, but I just lived with it. I go on and do the entire killing process again and soon realized that I could have bought Shelter's back at the shop and use them at save points to heal all of my team rather than just using only Potions and Eithers. I go back up to the shop, get the Shelter, and I face the same enemies again... doing the same old thing... At this point I just said "Screw it. I don't think I'll make it to the boss. I HATE BACKTRACKING". So I continued through and FINALLY found a save point to get to the boss. I haven't completed it yet, due to how busy I am with work and such. I was quite shocked of how many hours went by just to get to another save point. I know there was a save point near the elevator and I didn't really need to go through all that, but I wanted to stock up on a ton of items and get through the entire Palace without stopping. I wanted to get it over with and continue through that game.

I don't think that it's much of a problem to a hardcore gamer, due to that they have all the time in the world. For me I'm a hardcore gamer, but I tend to have other things to do in life. I'm in my Junior year at High School and I want to get a bunch of my work done so I can have free time to play games later. It's too bad though because I ALWAYS have work to do. I try to play before I go to bed, but I tend to fall asleep a bit when I go through a really repetitive task.

What about you guys? Has this happen to you before? If so, how do you tend on completing such a task? Do you continue to play till you make it, or put it off till next time? If none of these, do you have a special way to do both at the same time? Leave a comment! I'd love to hear what you guys do in situations like this.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Blog Updates are DONE!

Blog updates are DONE! I decided to change the blog a bit like I mentioned yesterday. I changed some stuff on this blog like a new banner, Twitter updates from me, and new links to other SNES fan sites. I plan to add more content soon to not make this blog a bit boring like I did with my old EarthBound blog. Hopefully I'll start this blog as a good long running blog, rather than just stopping for about 8 months and never updating anything type of blog. Hope you guys will enjoy the new blog!


Monday, April 5, 2010

Long Absense and Additional News Besides EarthBound?!

Just coming back to this blog after about... 8 to 9 months. I've been really caught up with school work, what I want to do with my future, and other video projects that are about to drive me crazy. As of now... I've been pretty jumpy on certain RPG titles like I've been on EarthBound, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy and all other crazy junk. I'm thinking to maybe expand the site a bit and talk about classic SNES RPG's rather than EarthBound. It doesn't mean that I'm totally leaving out EarthBound! I'll still update news and other stuff about EB from time to time. I'm just waiting for some great news to come by, but sadly there might not be for quite a while. No new Mother games are coming out besides the Mother 4 Fan Game and I don't want to be copying on EarthBound Central's site with the same updates, because that wouldn't be awesome. That's why I'm planning to expand my updates to other classic RPGS or even new upcoming RPGS. Hopefully I can get to work on that and get everything done soon.

Just to add in, I might delete the EB Blog You tube channel as well. I don't really see a use of it and I think it's quite terrible becuase no one really comments or no activity going on at the moment. But if I happen to change my mind, I'll keep it and update that sometime later. Ugh... hopefully I can get that out of the way and get some stuff done so I won't have to stress out about life and crazy junk like that.

Thanks for understanding about my long absense!
